To work in New Zealand you Need to:
Find an Accredited employer to hire you
Accredited Employer Work Visas approved in NZ since August 2023
Employers are accredited in NZ since August 2023
We know you are looking for work in New Zealand. It is not always easy for everyone to find 'skilled employment' in New Zealand, which is the employment required for residence applications.
Although you might come with good qualifications and long work experience, many employers in New Zealand will be hesitant to extend you a job offer - often because they believe it will take too long for you to get a work visa. 
These employers then offer the job to local applicants, or leave it unfilled. No employer wants to wait too long before they can fill a job they have vacant.

So, how can you show an employer that you likely will be granted a work visa quickly (knowing that only Immigration NZ decides on approvals and time liens for work visas)? You show your CIRAC Certificate with "all 3 green" indicators that a Licensed immigration Adviser has assessed you for a visa and see no reasons why an Accredited Employer Work Visa should not issue swiftly. 

A CIRAC Certificate shows that in all the areas where you need to meet Immigration NZ AEWV requirements, you can meet those (and only Immigration NZ decides whether you do or not).

To see the cost and to apply for a CIRAC, click here or scan the QR code:

In our large immigration law advice practice, we want you to find employment quickly, so that your work visa can issue, and you begin your visa journey towards Permanent Residence and Citizenship in New Zealand.

The advisers shown below are licensed to generate CIRAC Certificates.

Professor Dr Dr Jens Mueller MNZM, MRSNZ, FCP, FGNZ - Managing Director and licensed to provide immigration advice in New Zealand and Australia
LIA 202000526
MARA 2318351

A CIRAC does not guarantee that Immigration NZ will issue an Accredited Employer Work Visa, or that such a visa is issued within any specific time. It is intended for an employer to be satisfied that a job applicant meets work visa immigration instructions, but only Immigration NZ is the final decision-maker about visa applications.


Contact us:

New Zealand, Chicago, Cape Town, London, Genève, Bengaluru, München, Chandigarh, Sydney
+64 21 516 326